
Legend of Zelda Wild Deities Part 2

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Part Two - The First Queen and the First Mask

Oni stirred, holding his head in his hands for a moment, he couldn’t even remember hitting the ground.

“Hylia?” he mumbled pushing hair out of his face and sitting up from his place “Hylia?!”
He wasn’t sure where he was, there were peach coloured tiles along the floor each with blue jewels mosaicking around the outsides. There were a few small birds, all different colours pecking in the grass for morsels to eat and fluffy white clouds lining the floor like a cool morning mist.

“Hylia! Where are you?!” Oni shouted standing up so violently that the birds flew away.
“Oni!” called a sweet voice, the clouds parting with a sweep of a golden hand.

“Mother!” Oni whispered dashing up the path into her embrace, her golden complexion vanishing for a more humanoid look; dressed in beautiful lace that looked like it was made of spider webs and a dark green dress the colour of rich leaves. She kissed her son on the forehead and rubbed his shoulders.

“My son, why are you here?” Farore asked withdrawing from Oni.

“The plain was destroyed, Hylia and I fell, I don’t know where she is!” Oni squealed before composing himself “Mother, do you know where she is?”

“Yes. In the Mortal Realm.” Farore muttered her dress trailing on the floor “You are in the Sacred Realm.”

“We were holding each other as we fell, that’s not possible.” Oni grumbled folding his arms.

“Then tell me, my son, how you have just awoken here? How could you have awoken without falling asleep first?” Farore asked a bird landing on her grass green hair.

“Mother!” Oni cried out “You’re not helping! Hylia needs me! She’ll get into trouble!”
Farore turned her back on her son “Walk with me, my son, I will show you what you need at the end of the path.”

Reluctantly, Oni followed Farore up the path, his feet kicking and trailing along the tiles while his mother hardly made a sound. His mother walked large, but graceful steps, he had to jog just to keep up with her, her dress merging with the grass surrounding the path as if it were a huge rug being pulled under the flowers. Mother had always been one of magic, able to make the land to what she wanted it to beunlike Nayru and Din. Yes, the red goddess Din had created the land and could manipulate it just as well as her sisters; Farore had the strength to change living things, something that was entirely hers to play with.

Eventually, she came to a halt, the clouds parting before them to reveal a single golden triangle the size of a man.

“Mother, are-are-are you suggesting that I-?!” Oni stammered watching Farore take a few more paces forward, curtsying before the sacred shape. “Mother, I can’t take it! God’s cannot take it!”

“You and Hylia were born as mortals. That makes you demi-gods.” Farore informed “I ask you, my son, take the force. Divide it into four of your chosen virtues and claim one piece to remain forever within you.”

Oni took the few small steps up to the golden triangle, tracing his young fingers over it for a few seconds. He could hear distant thunder; time had grown short.

“Mother, why do you ask me to take this now?” Oni muttered lowering his arms but not facing the goddess.

“My son, the one in the mortal realm, he is not a god. He can still be defeated; but if Nayru reads his mind correctly, she predicts he would stop at nothing to be a god of the mortal realm. To taint it in his own, dark image.” Farore replied holding her hands over her heart.

Oni closed his eyes and pressed his open palms onto the golden triangle, hearing it settle and not fight him away. “Golden Force of the Gods, heed thy wish: Thy asks thou to break apart into four; Power, Wisdom, Courage and Origin. Remain protector of this realm and betray those who desire to use the golden force for their own, selfish needs!”

“The Golden Force acknowledges your wish, Oni. Become the Fierce Deity with the force of Origin.”
spoke a voice from within the golden triangle, cracking and splitting into four equal pieces, three triangles pointing towards the heavens while the final, middle section floated down to Oni.

Oni allowed the small golden triangle to float in his hands before he turned to face Farore, her expression somewhat sad as he crossed the small distance towards her
“The Golden Force will be known as the Triforce to the mortals. To them this section will not exist. They shall not need it.” Oni spoke, straining his voice slightly as the triangle in his hands started to brighten and sink into his open palms like water. “If the one in the mortal realms wants it. The force will split and be given to those who display the elements of my being.”

Farore lowered her head “My son, what are you going to do? The Sacred Realm crumbles even now.”

“I will become the Fierce Deity, I must take upon a weapon crafted from my bare hands. I will help the mortals win this battle.” Oni muttered “I will become Origin.”

Farore watched her son leave her behind, his youthful body vanishing into the clouds like he was never there. He held back the seethes as the triangle sunk further into his palms, melting on his fingers as if it were ice cream till there was nothing left. He continued slowly, his steps starting to turn into a stagger; Mother and the other Goddesses could give their pieces to whoever they liked, but right now, Hylia was his target. He kept stumbling, his feet trailing as if the ankles were broken; his arms hung by his sides as if they were made of wood, his whole body trembling with every step. He let out a strained gasp and collapsed to his knees, falling flat on his face; his body glowing a gentle yellow rivalling the sun’s rays.

“Hylia. I have accepted part of the Golden Force. If you can hear me, my sister,” he whispered holding an arm up above him so he could see the glow fading away “I will find you.”

Hylia was getting impatient, the mortals were constantly asking her about battle, visions, godly ways and any other question under the sun. Being in the clouds, she had never had to listen to so many voices at once. She wanted Oni more than ever now. She dug her nails into the arms of her chair, the array of voices travelling across the table were grinding into her skull.

“Enough!” she cried out slamming her fists onto the table, her entire body was shaking with irritation and unease. The room was silent; even breath was held. Rinku pushed his chair out, causing a scratching sound across the floor.

“Her Grace is right. We have done enough arguing and discussion for today. We can reconvene when Her Grace is rested and more accustomed to us.” he spoke, knocking his fist against the wood of the table to finalise the decision. Rinku glanced over at Hylia with a sad expression, the young lady was clearly upset about something, she had seemed so frightened of him, but confident at the same time; a strange one but clearly not one used to walking with mortals.

Those at the table, a mass of capes, metal plate armour and snow white beards filed out, leaving Rinku and Hylia alone in the room. Rinku shut the double doors and crossed the short distance, bowing before taking the seat to her left; Hylia’s head lay on the table, hair a mess of tatters, clothes still ripped.

“I’m sorry.” Hylia sighed eventually, feeling his gaze “I’ve never done this before.”

“No, Your Grace, I should be the one apologising.  I should have made sure you were rested before bringing you to sit through a dull war meeting.” Rinku replied quickly.

Hylia shook her head and raised it from the table, her cheeks wet with tears. “I want to go home.”

Rinku lowered his gaze to the floor, he had never thought it possible for an immortal being to feel homesick. There were many things he had not thought about in his rush to get her to his people, perhaps she was as mortal as he was in one sense.

He gave a weak smile “I can escort you to your room and get you something to eat if that’ll help. I imagine you’ll be hungry.”

“What’s ‘hungry’?” Hylia sighed leaning back in her chair ungracefully.

“When you get a grumble in your stomach. If you eat, then you can make it go away for a while.” Rinku chortled, offering a hand to help her out of the chair.

Hylia turned her gaze as he led her past an arched window by the doors, showing a view that she had never seen before; emerald knolls, thick green trees over the grey stone walls of a great castle. Within the courtyard, there were humble maids and servants, strong soldiers training hard and well against wooden posts; all looking the same in tanned trousers and silver chain mail. It would be hard for anyone to distinguish a single person from this height let alone how she did it in the clouds.

Rinku led her through the red carpeted corridors in quiet chatter, their shadows climbing up the stone walls when they passed melting candles till Rinku opened an arched wooden door, leading into a small room with a large four post bed decorated with pillows made of the finest fabrics, a small desk and chair; a china jug and bowl with a small face cloth on it. And, folded neatly on the bed was a beautiful ivory dress, with a lilac  silk top over it; there were silk gloves of the same ivory and short ankle boots to go with it. Hylia squealed picking up the dress, Rinku said nothing and strode to the desk, opening the draw to reveal a small box.

“We’ve never had someone to rule in the castle, Your Grace.” he whispered clutching the box almost to the point of crushing it. “I ask you, as your humble servant, will you take this crown and rule as queen?”

“What?” Hylia exclaimed dropping the dress.

“Until we find a way to send you to the heavens, I see it fit for you to take this duty.” Rinku answered opening the box while dropping to one knee. Inside was a small golden crown, one that had a large sapphire within it. To Rinku’s surprise, she took it in her fingers; placing it on her head in silence.

Rinku stood up, beaming like a child being offered chocolate but then cradled his arm, dropping onto his side with a loud grimace. Hylia knelt down to him, squealing in fright as he writhed on the floor; face red as a tomato.

“Rinku, let me see!” she shouted pulling off his leather guard on his left hand; his fingers were digging into his palms as a small trio of triangles formed on the back of his hand like a tattoo. The bottom right of the three triangles shone in their faces before subsiding along with Rinku’s pained gasps. “The Golden Force!” Hylia exclaimed pulling Rinku’s hand up to look closer, half dragging him to the floor in the process “Where’s the middle?!”

“This is the golden triangle?!” Rinku shouted holding her shoulders “This is the golden triangle that Demise talks about?!”

“I guess so…Mother said that mortals crave power over everything.” Hylia muttered turning away from him.

“Why is it here, Your Grace?!” Rinku demanded, changing from his composed fashion.

“It must have had a wish granted onto it. I don’t know!” Hylia screamed back pushing the mortal away before slumping onto the bed “Rinku, I don’t know anything. I thought I would be able to with being a goddess, but I truly don’t know.”

Rinku swallowed hard “I’m really sorry, Your Grace, I did not mean-”

“No, Oni said ‘that goodness comes from the heart’.” Hylia said smiling at him “Or something like that. I could tell you meant no real harm.”

Rinku gave a sigh of relief “You’ve mentioned Oni a few times, Your Grace. Who or what is it?”

“He is my older brother. He drives me insane sometimes, but he cares a lot about me.” Hylia spoke sitting upright, the thought of where Oni was had not really crossed her mind since arriving in the camp. “I’m not sure how Mother knows that he’s older, but there it is.”

“Your-your brother?” Rinku stammered “Oni is your brother?

“Yes. He is the only god among us.” Hylia informed “I wonder what he’s doing now.”

“One can only wonder, Your Grace.” Rinku mumbled.

Oni touched on solid earth, his boots crushing the grass. He let out a loud sigh; he had been prepared since approaching the end of the Sacred Realm to slow down his fall. He could attract attention should he drop fast; the last thing he would want to happen is to attract mortals to him which no doubt Hylia already would have considering how curious she could be. His eyes refocused, giving him his sight fully back. Where was he now?
The air was crisp, almost like it was sent straight through the clouds; he took a large inhale, closing his eyes and smelling the freshness of the plants. It was strange to say the least. He was not used to this scent.

He took a few steps towards a small lake that was shadowed by a growing tree and dipped his hands in it, the small fish inside swimming closer in curiosity; he splashed his face, the breath of the water cooled his hot skin. His reflection appeared on the surface; a thought crossed his mind.

“I can’t be seen by mortals like this.” he sighed rubbing a damp hand over his pointed chin, his eyes swivelling around to the space next to him, his gaze falling on the tree. “Perhaps a mask will cover it.”

He pressed a hand onto the tree, his fingers feeling every lump and bump on the bark, his other hand searching in the water for a small stone to use as a chisel.

The wood splintered upon the first strike. The chosen stone piercing the wood, allowing tree blood to ooze out onto Oni’s fingers. Perhaps a little too hard of knock. Oni thought retrieving his stone which crumbled into dust in his fingers. Yes. Much too hard.

He picked up a new stone and pressed it against the tree, running a short line across, pressing his face against the bark to measure it, marking where his eyes, nose and mouth would be before chiselling it out, repeatedly reaching for rocks till the pond was starting to look devoid of them. Using what he knew of the Hylian look, he soon had a wooden mask hollowed out to his face, it wouldn’t do him many favours, but it was enough to keep his face hidden.

Suddenly he felt the mask tighten around his cheeks, digging into his chin and forehead as if trying to push its way into his own skull. He writhed, curling up into a ball with a struggling scream; his fingers clawing at the wood that made up the mask. The mask moulded around his face, engulfing him into a new form; his hair knotted and crawled up into his scalp like bugs before resting at shoulder height chestnut in colour; his skin grew darker, slightly more tanned than his pale complexion, his body grew smaller, more fragile to the point of his clothes hanging off him and his face, it ached. The excruciating pain of transformation was something he had not been ready for; nor had he planned it. His face grew smoother, his nose pointed, his cheeks red and his eyes, no longer pearl in shade, took an aqua blue disguise.

“Ouch! Ouch! Mother forbid, ouch!” Oni groaned splashing more water in his face, hoping that would ease the sensations, only to notice how real his face looked. He touched it…and felt it…

“Heavens!” he shrieked falling over backwards into the grass. His voice, it was so high pitched, like a boy’s. He let out a few coughs and gasps before crawling to the water, dipping his whole face in hoping that it would remove this new one, but sadly it did not. Despite being a god; he could not stop the thoughts of panic building up in his mind, destroying any composure that was left. He tried to pull the mask off but could not find neither end nor part that even resembled bark, this was his face now.

His voice eventually gave out, raw and rough, he coughed. He buried his hands into the grass, fingers weaved around the jade blades as he took a few gulps of air.

“Okay.” he breathed, his voice almost silent “A…minor setback.”

He curled up into a ball; hugging his stomach through the long layers of fabric that was once his clothes, now way too large for him and groaned. If Hylia could see him now, she would be either laughing in hysterics or crying in absolute fear. He could not work out which was worse.

Never the less, his body was exhausted after the fear of a body change eating him up; so made use of his heavy limbs by adapting his clothes to suit his smaller frame; using his belt to pull the fabric up to make a small grey tunic and tying it up in knots to stop it falling down. It did not look brilliant but it would suffice its purpose. Next he stowed away his boots in a nook in the tree and followed a dusty path cutting through the trees, hoping to find some form of civilisation at the end.
It's 00:20 here. I am tired. Waiting for this to load with slow internet access is one of the most greuling challenges I've had to face. No matter. Part two is here!

Origin huh? What a strange power to put in the fourth peice of the golden force? Any idea what kind of magic it'll have? Do you think Oni will find Hylia? That transformation...ow...I made a friend shiver while reading that.

Still looking for a cover for this...anyone? Come on, I work hard on these!

Legend of Zelda Wild Deities Part 1
Part Two - You are here
Legend of Zelda Wild Deities Part 3
© 2015 - 2024 LittlewriterLink
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silverheartlugia2000's avatar
oooh now it makes sense! and oni looks like nes link now im guessing? I was wondering why no one thought he looked weirdXD ok im for sure watching you now! sorry I thought I already was^^'